Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2016

[ESX][HP] HP RAID Status abfragen bei ESX VMWARE

Da man ja das HP SmartArray Utility nicht starten kann wenn der Server mit ESX installiert ist, kann man wie folgt aber die CLI (Command Line Interface) version aufrufen.

1: Per PUTTY eine SSH verbindung auf den ESX Host herstellen
2: Folgenden Pfad öffnen:

--> ./hpssacli

--> ./hpacucli

--> ./ssacli

halt je nach Version

3: Folgende Befehle sind "wichtig":

(Zeigt generellen Status, sowie rebuild %, alles I.O. wenn OK steht)

ctrl slot=0 ld 2 show

(Status der Logischen Laufwerke (z.B. rebuild %, parity %)     slot / ld muss evntl. angepasst werden!!

SSA Alle Befehle:
Show configuration
ctrl all show config

Controller status
ctrl all show status

Show detailed controller information for all controllers
ctrl all show detail

Show detailed controller information for controller in slot 0
ctrl slot=0 show detail

Rescan for New Devices

Physical disk status
ctrl slot=0 pd all show status

Show detailed physical disk information
ctrl slot=0 pd all show detail

Logical disk status
ctrl slot=0 ld all show status

View Detailed Logical Drive Status
ctrl slot=0 ld 2 show

Create New RAID 0 Logical Drive
ctrl slot=0 create type=ld drives=1I:1:2 raid=0

Create New RAID 1 Logical Drive
ctrl slot=0 create type=ld drives=1I:1:1,1I:1:2 raid=1

Create New RAID 5 Logical Drive
ctrl slot=0 create type=ld drives=1I:1:1,1I:1:2,2I:1:6,2I:1:7,2I:1:8 raid=5

Delete Logical Drive
ctrl slot=0 ld 2 delete

Add New Physical Drive to Logical Volume
ctrl slot=0 ld 2 add drives=2I:1:6,2I:1:7

Add Spare Disks
ctrl slot=0 array all add spares=2I:1:6,2I:1:7

Enable Drive Write Cache
ctrl slot=0 modify dwc=enable

Disable Drive Write Cache
ctrl slot=0 modify dwc=disable

Erase Physical Drive
ctrl slot=0 pd 2I:1:6 modify erase

Turn on Blink Physical Disk LED
ctrl slot=0 ld 2 modify led=on

Turn off Blink Physical Disk LED
ctrl slot=0 ld 2 modify led=off

Modify smart array cache read and write ratio (cacheratio=readratio/writeratio)
ctrl slot=0 modify cacheratio=100/0

Enable smart array write cache when no battery is present (No-Battery Write Cache option)
ctrl slot=0 modify nbwc=enable

Disable smart array cache for certain Logical Volume
ctrl slot=0 logicaldrive 1 modify arrayaccelerator=disable

Enable smart array cache for certain Logical Volume
ctrl slot=0 logicaldrive 1 modify arrayaccelerator=enable

Enable SSD Smart Path
ctrl slot=0 array a modify ssdsmartpath=enable

Disable SSD Smart Path
ctrl slot=0 array a modify ssdsmartpath=disable

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